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22 August 2024
Pointe-de-l'Église, N.-É. - le mercredi 21 août 2024 :  L'invitation est lancée aux immigrants francophones voulant devenir entrepreneurs en participant à l'événement : 48 h TOP CHRONO!
07 August 2024

Communiqué de presse

Annonce des récipiendaires des Prix de reconnaissance en développement durable

Pointe-de-l’Église, N.-É. - le mercredi 7 août 2024 : Le Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (CDÉNÉ) a le plaisir d'annoncer les récipiendaires des Prix de reconnaissance en développement durable pour l'année 2024. Ces prix, dans le contexte du projet de développement durable IMPACT du CDÉNÉ, remis dans le cadre du forum économique du Congrès mondial acadien 2024, célèbrent les pratiques exemplaires et les innovations durables qui contribuent positivement à l'environnement, à la société et à l'économie de la Nouvelle-Écosse, particulièrement dans les régions acadiennes de la province.

23 May 2024

Church Point (N.S.) - Thursday May 16th 2024 : The Congrès mondial acadien 2024, in collaboration with the Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (CDÉNÉ) and Université Sainte-Anne are pleased to invite you to the Economic Forum, which take place from August 13 to 15, 2024, in Southwest Nova Scotia, in the regions of Digby and Clare. 

CDÉNÉ's Services

Networking Activities

Expand your network of contacts at CDÉNÉ networking activities, where you can meet other entrepreneurs, as well as specialists and stakeholders in the business world.

Professional Workshops and Training

Acquire the knowledge you need to launch your business, propel it to the next level or advance your career. We offer multiple training opportunities to increase your knowledge or that of your team.

Employment Advice

Turbocharge your career with employment assistance services from CDÉNÉ to guide your career choice, polish your curriculum vitae and cover letter and learn interview and networking techniques.

Prepare and Assess Projects

Take advantage of expertise from the CDÉNÉ for guidance in preparing projects and assessing programs. Succeed with your projects to create jobs, foster economic growth or strengthen organizational capacities.

Community Economic Development

Our specialized staff can coach you through exercises on community and strategic planning, feasibility studies or diversifying income sources.

Direction to Sources of Funding

Use our network of contacts and partners to get funds to start up or grow your business or organization.

Recruitment and Integration of Immigrant Workers

Discover how hiring and integrating immigrants workers for your team can help you to fill positions that are hard to staff and propel your business to the next level. We advise employers on planning human resources needs and on options for recruiting and integrating immigrant workers.

Marketing Plans and Business Plans

Our customized planning services will help you reach your goals for your business or organization. Whether you’re starting a new business, launching a new product or conquering a new market, we can help you to bring your ideas to life.

About the CDÉNÉ

The Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (CDÉNÉ) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the economic advancement of the Acadian and Francophone community in Nova Scotia. Founded in 1999, it is the only provincial Francophone economic development organization in Nova Scotia.

The CDÉNÉ delivers solutions to businesses, not-for-profit organizations, job seekers, economic immigrants and communities to ensure their economic success. With our personalized approach and the expertise of our team members, we can develop solutions that contribute to your success.

What Our Clients Say

Working with the CDÉNÉ has allowed us to open doors that would have otherwise been difficult to access. Their expertise in specialized business fields and their knowledge of funding sources and government agencies is rare and exceptional. There are no words to describe what the CDÉNÉ has done for JD Composites. We did not have the time or expertise to access this complex and difficult world. We would like to thank CDÉNÉ for all that they have done, and also all that they continue to do for us. Without them, our time would have been expensive and certainly wasted.

David Saulnier
President of JD Composites Inc.

I would like to thank the staff of the CDÉNÉ for helping the Clare Bluegrass Association find government programs to help fund our festival. With government funding we are able to hire extra bands and promote a bigger festival, bringing more people from outside into our region. With their help, we were able to promote more musicians from our area. The Economic Development Officer spent hours helping our organization and is very dedicated and much appreciated by myself and the Association.

Russel LeBlanc
President of the Clare Bluegrass Association