Board of Directors
The Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse is managed by a Board of Directors generally made up of at least eight (8) members and no more than (11) members. These include economic stakeholders from throughout Nova Scotia, but mainly from the Acadian and Francophone regions of the province. The Board of Directors meets regularly to discuss and make decisions on its directions, necessary interventions and how its projects are going. CDÉNÉ’s partners are often invited to attend meetings as observers. However, only members of the Board of Directors may vote.
Members of the Board of Directors of the CDÉNÉ
Suzanne T. Roy
Vice president
Kenneth Deveau - President and Vice-Chancellor of Université Sainte-Anne
Claude Thibault - RBC
Wayne Boudreau
Lise Despres
Executive Assistant, Comeau Sea Foods Ltée, Comeau Foods Division
Nicole Deveau
Brandon Doucette
Yvon LeBlanc
Yalla Sangaré
Director of the Administrative Science Department, Associate Professor, Université Sainte-Anne

Members of the Board of Directors of the CDÉNÉ
Suzanne T. Roy
Vice president
Kenneth Deveau - President and Vice-Chancellor of Université Sainte-Anne
Claude Thibault - RBC
Wayne Boudreau
Lise Despres
Executive Assistant, Comeau Sea Foods Ltée, Comeau Foods Division
Nicole Deveau
Brandon Doucette
Yvon LeBlanc
Yalla Sangaré
Director of the Administrative Science Department, Associate Professor, Université Sainte-Anne