Great participation at the "Bilingual Meet & Greet" in Tusket

Halifax, March 25, 2019 – On March 5, 2019, the Groupe d’Accueil Communautaire pour les nouveaux arrivants à Argyle (Newcomer Community Welcoming Group in Argyle), in collaboration with the Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (CDÉNÉ) and the Western Regional Enterprise Network (WREN), had organized a "Bilingual Meet & Greet" in Tusket at Anchored Grounds! The organizers would like to warmly thank the participants for coming to this first “Bilingual Meet & Greet”. The high level of attendance for this event demonstrates a real desire from the community and the newcomers to meet with each other and make the Southwest Nova Scotia a more welcoming and open place.
At the "Meet & Greet", twenty participants were able to enjoy coffee and the delicious sweet and savory buffet prepared by Anchored Grounds.
In addition, three families of newcomers shared their stories, challenges and successes that they encountered in the Southwest. It was very enriching to exchange and discover the history of the new members of the community. A big thank you to them for sharing their amazing story!

Participants get to know each other

Danny Muise, Deputy Warden, Municipality of Argyle, welcomes participants

A newcomer shares his story

The sweet and savory buffet prepared by Anchored Grounds