Melanie Joshua, new Case Manager for Isle Madame (2)
Halifax, July 11, 2022 – The Conseil de développement économique de la Nouvelle-Écosse (CDÉNÉ) is pleased to announce the appointment of Melanie Joshua as Case Manager for Isle Madame. Her start date was March 21, 2022.
Melanie was born and raised in Arichat, Isle Madame, an Acadian community south of Cape Breton. She knows her community well and recognizes its strengths and challenges.
Professionally, Melanie has had a diverse career. Having started out as a Dental Assistant and needing a career change, she went on to work in the capacity of Benefits Administrator at Manulife Financial. Her life journey has taken her to work with the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada on various programs. Melanie has also worked with the CDÉNÉ as a Community Economic Development Officer.
"I am very happy to join the CDÉNÉ-NS Works team, I feel very fortunate to be living and working in my home community, helping other members of my community achieve their career goals. I am happy to be involved in my Acadian community and to help Isle Madame residents, newcomers to the region or those who, like me, are looking for a new start”.